News and Events

Why You Need Security in Miami or New York City

Jennifer Lopez with Stone Security Stone Security Services is a highly-reputable security and bodyguard company that provides top-tier services to both New York City and Miami, Florida. Their team of experienced and skilled professionals uses the latest technology and...

New York City Fashion Shows

New York City Event Security Fashion shows are often high-profile events that attract a lot of attention and media coverage. Due to their high-profile nature, fashion shows can be targeted by individuals or groups who want to cause disruption or harm. Therefore,...

New York City Crime…..

New York City has had a reputation for having a high crime rate in the past, but it is important to note that the crime rate in the city has decreased significantly over the last few decades. However, crime still exists in the city, and there are several factors that...

This is Why New York City is so Influential

New York City (NYC) became one of the most influential cities in the world for a combination of reasons, including: Strategic Location: NYC's location at the mouth of the Hudson River made it an important commercial and transportation hub for the Northeast region of...

NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg daughter escapes kidnapping

New York City is No longer the safest city in New York. Crime is at an all time high, and the criminals are destroying the quality of life: Stone Security Service provides personal protection with New York City Bodyguards, and NYC Executive protection agents. We...

Personal Bodyguard Service Benefits

Personal Bodyguards, also known as a Close Personal Protection Agent: Provide the pinnacle level of personal security for individuals, and their families: Many people think hiring a personal bodyguard service is too over the top, or financially...